ctcLink Security Profile Request How-To (Employees Only)

Before You Begin

  • The ctcLink Security Profile Request must be completed by your Supervisor.
  • Work with your supervisor to make sure that your position description in HR is up to date and reflects your ctcLink job duties.
  • Complete any related ctcLink online training and review the Quick Reference Guides related to the role you are requesting.

How to Submit a ctcLink Security Profile Request

FULL DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS: How to Request Additional ctcLink Access

  1. Supervisors: Follow this link: ctcLink Security Profile request form
  2. Log in using your Employee account credentials
  3. Fill the entire form accordingly. You may hover your mouse over the green question mark icons to learn more about the requested information
  4. Once all fields have been completed, click on Submit
  5. Your request has been submitted! The request will be available for review by the Data Governance Committee, PLT members, and the IT Security team. Your division's PLT member will review comments in the form and decide whether to approve the request based on the information provided.

Note: Please do NOT submit a ticket for this request.


When Can I Expect a Response?
In 1-2 weeks.

  • The request will be reviewed by members of the college's Data Governance Committee who are the "database authorities" for ctcLink data. 
  • The VP of the requestor's division ("Accountable PLT Member" on the form) will make the final decision about what access is approved.

How Will Requestors Be Informed?
The supervisor that submitted the request will be informed via email once a decision has been made.

  • All PLT members will also have the opportunity to provide comments in the form regarding the request. 
  • Once approved, the IT Security Team will assign the appropriate roles in ctcLink.

Is There a Place Where We Can See What Our Individual Security Access Is?
No - there is a high level of complexity with the security. Some users have 100+ layers associated with their role, so access cannot be obtained easily and is not readily available for end users.

How to Find the Employee Position #?

  1. Log in to ctcLink
  2. Navigate to My Team. Path: Home Page > Manager Self Service > My Team Tile
  3. Your Employees will be listed. Click on the Related Actions button indicated by a drop-down arrow button next to an Employee name
  4. A list of actions will appear. Select, View Employee Personal Info
  5. Select Job and Personal Information
  6. The Employee information will appear. Here, you can identify the Employee Position #