Download from Drive to a PC/Flash Drive

Learn how to download files from your Google Drive onto your Windows PC or flash drive.


1. Go to and log in to your Triton Email/Employee Email account.

2. After you’ve logged in, click the apps button tutorial3.PNG which is located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. From the drop-down menu, click on Drive.

3. To choose a file you want to download: RIGHT-CLICK on it, then select Download.

Note: If you want to download multiple files use CTRL + LEFT-CLICK to select several files, then RIGHT-CLICK to bring up a menu to download.

4. After downloading the file, the download should pop up at the bottom of your Web Browser. RIGHT-CLICK the file or LEFT-CLICK on the up arrow next to the file name, and click Show in Folder.

Then right-click the file once more and select Open with…

Otherwise, drag the file to your desired location on your computer’s File Explorer or to your Flash Drive in order to bring it on the go.