Adding Links in a Google Sheet

Learn how to add links to your Google Sheet spreadsheet


1. Go to and log in to your Triton Email/Employee Email account.

Method One

1. Open the spreadsheet you want to work on and select the cell where you want to insert the link.

Note: For instructions on opening a spreadsheet file, please refer to our Searching Google Drive by File Type Tutorial.

2. Type in the syntax of a hyperlink to the formula bar: =HYPERLINK(“URL”,”Description”)

Note: For example, the following formula will create a link to the Edmonds Community College

Homepage: =HYPERLINK("","A link to Edmonds College home page")

  • To remove the link, simply delete the syntax from the formula bar.

Method Two

1. Open the spreadsheet you want to work on, select the cell where you want to insert the link and click the Insert Link button on the toolbar.

Note: For instructions on opening a spreadsheet file, please refer to our Searching Google Drive by File Type Tutorial.

Note: If you are using a windowed web browser, the Insert Link button may not be visible depending on the size of your window. The Insert Link option can be found in the drop-down list called More.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K to insert a link.

2. Type in the text you want to be displayed in the cell, or Text field, and the URL in the Link field. Click Apply to finish the link.

Note: You can also right-click on the cell and choose insert link from the right-click menu.

Note: To remove the link, simply delete the syntax from the formula bar.

If you remove the hyperlink by clicking on Remove, the hyperlink will be removed but the text will be left in the formula bar. You need to delete the text manually.

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