Why IT has to Approve IT-Related Purchase Requisitions

IT approval for technology-related purchases before acquisition is essential to protect student and employee data privacy, ensure security, and meet accessibility requirements. Our process aims to mitigate risks, assure adequate product support and reduce stranded investment.

Why Privacy and Security Matter

Safeguarding student data is crucial for maintaining trust within our educational community. Protecting sensitive data helps prevent misuse or breaches that could lead to financial, legal, and reputational consequences.

Federal Compliance

We adhere to federal regulations such as FERPA, FISMA, GLBA, NIST SP 800-50, PCI DSS, and more. All digital resources must also comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, particularly Title II, which governs online materials for students.

State Regulations

We also adhere to state laws and rules, including WaTech Policy (SEC-03, RCW 43.105, Executive Order 16-01, DSHS Data Security and more. These policies guide the responsible use of funds for IT expenses. Our thorough approval process ensures that all technology purchases align with these mandates.