ctcLink: How to Reset Password or Unlock Account


1. Go to the ctcLink Login page

2. Click on Password Help

3.  Select Reset Password (or Unlock account if applicable)

4. Enter your ctcLink ID and select your desired method (Text, Voice Call, or Email) to reset your password or unlock your account

5. Follow the instructions sent to your desired method of communication (Text, Voice Call, or Email)

Note: The password reset instructions are sent to the phone number or email address that you have set when you activated your ctcLink account

6. Your password will be reset (or account unlocked) right away. Log back in to ctcLink


  • Your ctcLink account must already be activated to reset your password or unlock your account. If you have not activated your ctcLink account yet, you may disregard the instructions above and activate your account following the appropriate article below:
  • If your ctcLink ID is not being recognized, please contact Enrollment Services to confirm that you have the correct ctcLink ID.
  • If you are not receiving password reset instructions via Text, Voice Call or Email, please contact the Edmonds College IT department by submitting a new ticket. Our agents can reset your account, which will allow you to reactivate your ctcLink account and create a new password.

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