Export PDF to Microsoft Word

Learn how to export a PDF document to a fully editable Microsoft Word.


1. Start Acrobat, and open the PDF file you want to export. If you’re using our sample assets, select the Summary.pdf file to export to Word, Analysis.pdf file to export to Excel, or Overview.pdf file to export to PowerPoint.

2. Click Export PDF in the Tools pane. Then choose a file format, such as Microsoft Word, Spreadsheet, or Microsoft PowerPoint. You can also save as Rich Text Format (RTF), plain text, image formats, HTML web page, and other file formats. Use the format radio buttons to select the desired file type, and click Export.

3. Select a folder for the exported file, or click Choose a Different Folder and navigate to the appropriate folder. Name your document, and click Save. Learn more about exporting PDFs with the Adobe Export PDF tool in Acrobat DC.

Tip: Select Open file after export in the Export dialog box if you want to work with the file immediately.

4. Open the document in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint if it’s not already open. Your document is now in the native Office format, so you can edit text, images, and other data just as you can in any other Office document.